Yahrzeit of Avraham Ibn Ezra, biblical commentator, poet, mathematician, author, and philosopher. An unsuccessful businessman ...
According to the Bible, David gathered building materials for a temple that was to replace Israel’s mobile house of worship, ...
Representatives from various religions gathered to discuss coexistence and healing in the wake of conflict and heard Israeli, PA Arab, and international perspectives.
Rav Yehoshua M’Kutna, one of the Gedolei Yisrael in the 19th Century, offers an answer in his ישועות מלכו. It says in Masechet Chagigah (טו) when talking about Tzadikim and Reshaim, that the Tzadik ...
She was instrumental in saving most of the information that was later found by Luke Skywalker and used to rebuild the Jedi ... a Holocron from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. She was able to ...
In fact, the version of Star Wars we all know and love resulted from Jedi Bob inadvertently creating a new timeline when he removed the mystical Cornerstone from an ancient temple. Rebuild the ...
The Urim and Tumim Those who care about American Ivy League Universities will know that Yale’s motto is Lux et Veritas, in ...