W hile Excel is a powerhouse for data analysis and manipulation, complex workbooks with tons of formulas can slow down your ...
This repository reproduces the analysis from Government Transfers and Political Support by Manacorda, et al. (2011), using regression discontinuity (Difference-in-Differences) to explore the impact of ...
This approach is valuable for scenarios where data needs to be reorganized for better readability or detailed analysis. Selecting the most appropriate method for splitting cells in Excel depends ...
Let’s get started! Excel proficiency is an essential skill for professionals in data analysis, accounting, and business operations. Employers frequently use Excel interview tests to evaluate ...
Microsoft has introduced text analysis features in Excel aimed at helping users derive insights from surveys, reviews, and other textual data with ease. Copilot is a new feature in Excel that can help ...
But I still didn't have the week or two it would take me to code an analysis. So I turned to ChatGPT. I pulled the data off the server and spent some time in Excel cleaning up the raw data so it ...
By performing Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), we uncover patterns, trends, and insights related to calories, protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals present in various foods. This project provides an ...