Low and middle-income tenants in Los Angeles County have protections against eviction if January's fires hurt them ...
Renters who missed their February rent must notify their landlords today that they lost income due to the fires.
The L.A. City Council Tuesday will vote on a proposal to provide eviction defense for nannies, gardeners and other residents who were impacted economically by January’s wildfires after postponing a ...
Residents at Sycamore Place say a new property management company hasn't fixed concerns about vanishing amenities, rental ...
Key actions to grow the local economy, create jobs, build new homes and improve the transport network in the year ahead have been agreed by North Lanarkshire Council. The Economic Regeneration ...
The case hinges on the landlord’s application for a N12 eviction ... states that corporations cannot evict a tenant using an N12. “Earlier decisions permitting some corporations to serve this type of ...
Just-cause eviction has ... with Saray Chappell, a tenant union member in Newington, over just-cause evictions. "It makes for a really tough Christmas when you get a notice to quit just before ...
Through Philadelphia’s Eviction Diversion Program ... Landlords who want to evict tenants must first give them a notice of diversion rights and apply for the diversion program. What happens next ...
Hundreds of people testified Tuesday on a slew of bills aimed at protecting Connecticut tenants, including measures to reform eviction law and others that would limit how much landlords can charge ...
North Lanarkshire Council is continuing essential electrical safety testing in local authority homes - and sending appointment letters to tenants now due their five-yearly safety checks.
The session will also see revived efforts to change the state’s summary eviction system, which currently requires tenants, rather than landlords, be the first to file a case with the courts after ...
The Burlington City Council is seeking more power when it comes to deciding how much notice a landlord needs to give before ending a tenant’s ... “just cause” eviction charter-changes ...