It’s another year of high-profile animated sequels, led by Disney’s “Zootopia 2,” DreamWorks’ “The Bad Guys 2,” and ...
Butler’s brusque, beady-eyed, scowling-hulk charisma has aged well. A quick-fire actor in a caveman’s body, he has the ...
Game of Thrones is still hailed as one of HBO's most epic fantasy drama series. Despite some ups and downs, its 8-season ...
Who are the actors and actresses with breakout potential? These are our rankings for the next big stars of 2025.
Emilia Clarke, along with the rest of her Game of Thrones castmates, became a household name in 2011 with the global hit HBO ...
Emilia Clarke’s role as Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones truly set her on the road to stardom early in her career.