Romney explained his position on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, saying America must demonstrate strength and resolve alongside allies.
Balart, a Cuban-American Republican politician who defended immigrants and fiercely opposed Fidel Castro’s regime to help ...
More than four decades apart, the two Republicans campaigned on similar anti-big government themes. Once in office, they ...
How long will they dominate the GOP? The current revolutionary mood is unnatural for conservatives and will burn out. I give ...
I used to think I was a conservative because that’s what I was told I should be. Then I met some real conservatives and some ...
Yet in polling, his group has found that years of climate change-focused messaging has turned off many voters to EVs, and that angles like jobs and competing with China haven't broken through yet.
“The threats to American democracy in the United States are now immediate, serious, and mounting by the day,” democracy scholar Larry Diamond wrote this week. “Multiple illegal and unconstitutional ...
One of the few remaining Republicans in Congress to openly clash with President Donald Trump has a book out this summer. Sen.
The Republican party is more diverse than it’s been since the Civil Rights era thanks to Donald Trump | Opinion ...
Democrats are struggling to reverse the rightward shift among Latino voters seen in November, when President Trump made ...
Scot Presler's efforts could prove decisive given that the Keystone State has been decided by only tens of thousands of votes the past few elections.