Valerie Bertinelli joined a long list of stars who have decided to leave the party life behind. After successfully completing Dry January, when one gives up alcohol for the entire month ...
Two Canterbury School graduates were critically injured in the New Orleans terrorist attack. Elle Eisele and Steele Idelson ― both 19 and who graduated from the Fort Myers school in 2023 ...
You’re unstoppable when you put your mind to something, Ram. Starting today, your mind is firmly fixed on career goals, thanks to clever Mercury marching through your professional province until ...
Already on a dynamic crew? Find a way to get more involved. But bear in mind that la luna is sparring with doer Mars (retrograde) in Cancer and your second house of values and resources.
You might have a change of heart today and feel like bailing on social plans at the eleventh hour. Chalk it up to a meeting between your ruler, the moon, and impromptu Uranus in your collective ...
You’re used to looking outward and engaging with other people, but as mental Mercury dips into Capricorn and your sensitive fourth house today, your attention will go within. Tune in to your own ...
Over the next few weeks while restless Mercury is skipping through Capricorn and your adventurous ninth house, you’ll be curious to explore uncharted territory and broaden your mind. Between now ...
Are you sure you want to include absolutely everyone? Although your compassionate sign tends to do just that, you need to remember that one toxic person can destroy group morale single handedly ...
Your mind’s on your money while mental Mercury cruises through Capricorn and your fiscal second house. Between now and January 27, think about how you can boost your bottom line. Assess your ...
Partnership-powered Libra, you love to help others, but are you conserving enough energy for your own work? On Monday, January 6, Mars retrogrades back into Cancer and your tenth house of career ...
Ready, set, systematize! As mental Mercury arrives in your orderly sixth house today, consider that your cue to tidy up. Between now and January 27, you can clear your head by clearing your space ...
You may feel more tender than tough starting this Monday, January 6 as reactive Mars—which has been retrograde since December 6—retreats from Leo’s fiery cauldron into Cancer’s swirling ...