Floor eggs are eggs laid outside designated nest boxes and can contribute to multiple challenges for poultry operations.
State Rep. Jennifer Wortz has introduced a bill to delay Michigan's cage-free egg mandate until 2029, aiming to reduce prices.
The new Senate bill, introduced in February, seeks to repeal the requirement that eggs sold in Michigan be cage-free and ...
Despite opportunity for strong margins in the U.S. poultry and egg industry, producers are uneasy as they face what may be ...
"America's diner" said that the temporary measure was caused by the unprecedented rise in egg prices over the past few months ...
That loss accounted for 3.6% of the conventional caged layer flock and 1.5% of the non-organic cage-free flock, according to the USDA’s Egg Market Overview. Though bird flu taking out thousands ...
In order to “restore stability to the egg market over the next three to six ... He said most egg farms are now cage free, making such a conversion untenable for the majority of poultry ...