Asian Paints shares slipped 3.2 per cent in Thursday's trade, logging a 52-week low at Rs 2,268.6 per share on BSE. The selling pressure in the stock came after two top executives resigned from their ...
If labeled and regulated as edible oil, it falls under that category, even in small packaging. The court rejected the revenue department's argument that small containers automatically meant hair ...
The Supreme Court settled a 15-year dispute, classifying small-packaged coconut oil as edible oil with a lower 5% GST, unlike the 18% levied on hair oil. This benefits FMCG companies and consumers.
Washable paint is certainly useful if any aspiring child artists decide to draw on your walls. With its durable finish, it's a popular choice of paint in kitchens and hallways, where splash stains or ...
Brokerage firm Nuvama believes that Asian Paints shall see slower growth compared to its other listed peers like Berger Paints and Indigo Paints in the second half of financial year 2025.
Asian Paints Ltd. said on Wednesday that two of its senior executives —Shyam Swamy and Vishu Goel — have announced their resignations due to "personal circumstances". The resignations, which come amid ...
China’s embassy in London has warned the UK to "stop creating trouble" as it hit out at what it described as MPs' "twisted mentality" over allegations that a Chinese businessman linked to Prince ...
Asian Paints is currently priced at Rs 2402.10, showing a minor decline of 0.24% today, with a 3-day simple moving average of Rs 2444.67. Asian Paints has recently reached a new 52-week low, with its ...
We know that the Blue Jays took a hit in ticket sales last season, but for now let’s take president and chief executive officer Mark Shapiro at his word when ... out there to paint the other ...
SINGAPORE—A bundle of economic data from China suggest government efforts to boost the economy are struggling to gain traction, a sign that Beijing will need to do more next year to rev up ...
Betsy is the Senior Home and Features Editor at Southern Living. She writes about a veritable potpourri of topics for print and digital, from profiling Southern movers-and-shakers and celebrating ...