The original animated movie was directed by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois and featured the voices of Sanders as Stitch, Daveigh Chase as Lilo, Carrere as Nani, Ving Rhames as Cobra Bubbles ...
In Spirited Away, 10-year-old Chihiro (Daveigh Chase) and her parents find an abandoned amusement park inhabited by supernatural beings. However, it's not all cotton candy and carnival rides as ...
Disney released the first teaser trailer for the live-action remake of “Lilo & Stitch.” ‘Lilo and Stitch’ Teaser Disney ...
Donnie’s sisters, Elizabeth (Maggie Gyllenhaal) and Samantha (Daveigh Chase), as well as their parents aren’t sure what to make of his sudden shift in personality after an incident that should ...
Chris Sanders will once again be voicing Stitch, and newcomer Maia Kealoha will be taking on the role of Lilo. Daveigh Chase voiced Lilo in the original. Joining Sanders and Kealoha will be Sydney ...
Chase University has closed its doors, and will be offering degrees no longer. Its founder, Andre Chase, battled Ridge Holland on November 19's "WWE NXT" with the stipulation that Chase U would ...
Cincinnati Bengals star wide receiver Ja’Marr Chase has had enough of having to answer the same questions after his team continues to lose games in inexplicable fashion. Chase also understands ...
It feels churlish, in this day and age, to come on the internet and celebrate Disney. Less a movie studio and more a terrifying global monopoly, the Walt Disney Corporation has grown so worryingly ...