One of these sets upgrades the Edgerunners standees into these new miniatures as part of the Corporate Muscle pack. This set ...
Cyberpunk 2077 adds interest and depth to smart weapons that isn't reflected in other weapon types, and Project Orion could ...
Neon futuristic, science-fiction cybernetics set against a dystopian society full of underdogs ready to prove their potential ...
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No amount of save scumming will help these characters.
AMD's RDNA 4 GPUs will not only improve ray-tracing performance, but introduce new technology for high-quality Path Tracing ...
No, you have a choice to make, and it's one you'll severely regret if you screw it up. After Jackie's untimely demise, you're ...
Cyberpunk 2077’s sequel, Project Orion, will reportedly keep one feature, reinforcing CD Projekt Red’s commitment to immersive storytelling.
it was definitely a welcome surprise to discover you actually can save Takemura in Cyberpunk 2077. Take that Arasaka!
Cyberpunk Edgrerunners Combat Zone puts players ... circus-themed Bozos to corporate strike forces like Trauma Team or Arasaka. They can also choose to include gonks which are lesser soliders ...