Kaleigh Quennec a hérité de l’amour du hockey de son père Hugh. Aujourd’hui, elle défend avec brio les couleurs du SC Bern et ...
Les lunettes intelligentes de Ray-Ban et Meta pourront désormais traduire en temps réel des conversations en anglais, ...
OpenAI propose pour les fêtes une nouvelle voix associée à ChatGPT : celle du Père Noël. Si les petits américains prendront ...
«Je fête Noël à cheval entre le français et l’anglais, témoigne Hayden Cotton à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. Depuis que je suis ...
Le thème de la dernière « Conversation autour des collections » de l’année a de quoi surprendre. Elle a été imaginée par la ...
Lancée au début de l’année 2009, WhatsApp est une application mobile de messagerie instantanée. Elle permet d’effectuer des ...
Some favorite student responses to three recent Picture Prompts. By The Learning Network Teenagers and educators weigh in on a recent question from The Ethicist. By The Learning Network Over a ...
Can political conversation be an act of love this Thanksgiving? In the wake of a tumultuous election, that seems impossible. But consider how my students typically talk with others about hot topics.
It’s a time to relax and enjoy being around family and friends. There’s also more time for in-depth conversation about topics that might not normally come up—such as financial planning for ...
In today’s climate, skill in having high-quality, high-stakes conversations is in short supply. But ... [+] for teams working on large, priority initiatives, this is a critical capability that ...
Often, the clips ignite big conversations. Askins has gone viral again for sharing the reason a woman named Katherine didn’t get a job. The message exchange between Katherine and her recruiter ...
Trying to avoid antitrust suits, Google systematically told employees to destroy messages, avoid certain words and copy the lawyers as often as possible. By David Streitfeld David Streitfeld has ...