Honey Cone, originally consisting of Shelly Clark, Edna Wright and Carolyn Willis, return with their first new recording in ...
“I am f***ing speechless that this utter garbage is on prime time Saturday night TV”.
From ancient luxury to colonial conquest, the clove's journey reveals the power — and peril — of the global spice trade.
CUMBERLAND COUNTY SR-28 (US-127) bridge construction and paving from north of I-40 (LM 17.8) to near Potato Farm Road (LM ...
This canister by Airscape, a Planetary Design brand, has a plunger lid and two-way valve to keep out air, which can extend ...
Evolution is often depicted as a steady forward march from simple to complex forms. But new research shows that certain ferns ...
Air bubbles within a deep ice core drilled in Antarctica could reveal why Earth suddenly began to experience longer ice ages ...
An international team of scientists has uncovered a fascinating piece of the evolutionary puzzle: how the ventral nerve cord, a key component of the central nervous system, evolved in ecdysozoan ...