Twelve Kemp's ridley sea turtles are now receiving treatment at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium after being affected by cold ...
Another cold front has arrived in Florida. Here's how the state's 1.3 million alligators deal with cold weather.
Turtles are ending up in the cold waters of Cape Cod Bay. Here's how the New England Aquarium is warming them up and nursing them back to health.
Learn about ongoing improvements at New York's Adirondack Fish Hatchery, essential for supporting endangered fish species.
But propane, like all fuel sources, reacts to cold weather in ways that can impact performance and safety. It's important to properly manage propane tanks during cold weather, including when to ...
The recent unveiling of Leopard 1A5 tanks equipped with Kontakt-1 explosive reactive armor (ERA) showcases how Ukraine is creatively transforming Cold War-era equipment into viable tools for ...
A unique fjord in Chilean Patagonia gives scientists a chance to unlock the reproductive secrets of cold-water corals that ...
But for thousands of animals at the Tennessee Aquarium, these foods will hit the spot. While many people prepare to feast on turkey and trimmings this Thanksgiving, the Tennessee Aquarium is busy ...
Many researchers have suggested this as to why deep-water fish strand on beaches," Frable said. "This wash-up coincided with the recent red tide and Santa Ana winds last week but many variables ...
"Many researchers have suggested this as to why deep-water fish strand on beaches. Sometimes it may be linked to broader shifts such as the El Niño and La Niña cycle but this is not always the ...
Like reptiles and amphibians, fish are cold-blooded poikilothermous vertebrates —meaning they get their body temperature from the surrounding water. Therefore, as body temperature is directly linked ...
Fish get smaller when it gets really cold. In fact scientists based in Norway and Finland have discovered that harsh winters may actually cause them to 'shrink' by as much as 10%. Research into the ...