Giving vulnerable children a precautionary course of an antibiotic more than halves their chances of catching deadly drug ...
Candidates that have reached clinical development as potential therapeutic strategies aim to reduce duration of the TB treatment [103] and to date they comprise inactivated forms of mycobacteria ...
South Gwinnett High School Principal Rodney Jordan announced Friday that a person at the high school was diagnosed with ...
We did a systematic review and meta-analysis of trials of treatment for rifampicin-susceptible tuberculosis to evaluate the ...
A rapid diagnostic test for tuberculosis (TB) has been approved for the first time by the World Health Organization (WHO). The assay can identify the tuberculosis-causing pathogen Mycobacterium ...
The present study was undertaken in an attempt to determine whether these various observations have significant clinical application. Two hundred and 26 adults, not all with tuberculosis ...
Study highlights the safety and early bactericidal activity of quabodepistat when combined with delamanid, bedaquiline, or ...
Corticosteroids had no effect on mortality rates or serious adverse events in patients with HIV and tuberculosis, showed a recent meta-analysis.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced the prequalification of the Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra, a rapid molecular ...