In Solvang, a town known for its Christmas spirit, a pagan tree-burning ritual serves as the season's biggest highlight.
EDITOR: On Jan. 20 we will have the honor of inaugurating the 47th president of the United States. He has already served one term.
"The year I turned 12 is also the year I got the worst present anyone could imagine. We went to my grandmother’s house in ...
Never let it be said that Solvang, the Danish village in the heart of the Central Coast that aims both barrels of its year-round whimsy at the Christmas season, doesn’t have another, more pagan side ...
Customers are asked to remove all decorations from their trees and cut the trees so that no portion is longer than six feet.
The city of Solvang brought its festive Julefest tradition to a spectacular close with its 33rd annual Christmas tree burn ...