On Nov. 25, 1863, 150 years ago, during the American Civil War, Union forces staged a spectacular breakout from besieged Chattanooga, Tenn. Routed Confederate troops retreated 25 miles to Dalton ...
There was strategic value in controlling Chattanooga during the Civil War. Its location would allow the Union, if it captured the city, to "cripple Confederate supply lines and strike at the ...
A previous hotel on the site served as a temporary hospital for both Union and Confederate soldiers during the Civil War siege on Chattanooga, and the present-day building dates to 1872.
INSIDER | American Digger Civil War Relic Show Chattanooga 2019 | Metal Detecting ... will see some things that we never got identified. During the show, we also met fans of our History Seekers ...
During the Civil War, Chattanooga was considered an attractive area for its railroads, natural resources and strategic location. In 1863, battles broke out in various areas of Chickamauga and ...
Beyond Chattanooga’s storied Civil War history, the city bursts with vibrant neighborhood adventures, nature excursions and ...
This episode opens with a dramatic account of the turning point of war: the Battle of Gettysburg ... Georgia, and Chattanooga, Tennessee. The episode closes with the dedication in November ...