Commissioner of Agriculture Jonathan Shell is making rounds across the state, as he visits with FFA members, 4-H members, and ...
Back before smartphones turned every road trip into a streaming marathon, we had to make our own fun on those endless drives.
They look like a cross between an otter and a gopher but they taste something like a rabbit or dark meat from turkey. And ...
There are more than 60 special license plate designs listed on Drive Kentucky’s website, which include a bobcat, a butterfly ...
The relationship between the UK government and the farming sector has "completely broken down", one MP says. A union encourages farmers to display signs highlighting the Countryside Code during ...
West Virginia is the saddest state to live in,” so says one of those goofy surveys by people who don’t possess the resourcefulness to get out of Jersey. Let them ...
Some Washington state lawmakers want to slow down on specialty license ... plate” to generate funds for education and job training related to automobiles. And sales of a proposed working forests plate ...
The license plate must be made by a professional automobile or by a manufacturer of your choice. The plate begins with the European symbol supplemented by the letter F on a blue background.
Question: Is there still such a thing as a farm license? I remember some of my friends having one but that was a long time ago and they basically used it to drive all the time. Answer: Yes, there is ...
A license plate can highlight a person's occupation, personality, and sense of humor. However, "DRG LORD" and "NAWTE" are probably not ideal license plate names. In fact, those were among many ...