As we celebrate Valentine's Day today, here we list +30 best wishes, quotes and romantic sayings for everyone you love: 1. Thank you for ... Teachings of the Buddha 3. “Above all, be the heroine ...
But don’t you worry, we’re here to rescue you from the demons of laziness and lethargy. We’ve listed down more than 125 gym quotes that ... your future self will thank you for.” ...
With your mind wholly liberated, you shall come no more to birth and death." Buddha propagates the idea of Nirvana; a place of perfect peace and happiness where a person’s desires and suffering ...
Buddha’s philosophy is all about keeping things simple and peaceful. He propagated that real happiness does not come from ...
It is said that one should ideally get an idol made of clay of the Buddha, but in case you are unable to, a metal one works too. It is also said that one should avoid having more than one idol of ...
When someone goes out of their way to do something nice for you, it’s always a good idea to give them a thank-you gift. If you’re overthinking what to get them, I’ve got a bunch of gift ...