For the king, the aim was to make “submission not just tolerable but actually desirable.” That enabled Mesopotamian rule to ...
Deep in the vast steppes of Central Asia, archaeologists have uncovered a remarkable ancient structure—a pyramid over 3,000 ...
A 2,000-year-old Roman brooch discovered in Scotland may have been buried as a ritual offering for protection or taken as a ...
Archaeologists have discovered an ancient tomb hidden in the courtyard of a house in Turkiye's ancient Greek city of Edessa, ...
Learn more about the earliest "factory" of bone tools ever discovered, which saw the systematic shaping of bone some 1 million years before other such "factories." ...
Outside of Europe, Egypt was known for its complex societies in the same time period, but the western coast of the ...
Archaeologists found the ruins of an Iron Age settlement with a “rare” ancient Roman brooch buried underneath, possibly as an ...
A cache of 1.5 million-year-old bone tools uncovered in Tanzania suggest ancient human ancestors were capable of critical ...
The oldest collection of mass-produced prehistoric bone tools reveal that human ancestors were likely capable of more advanced abstract reasoning one million years earlier than thought, finds a new ...
The bone tools date from more than a million years before our species, Homo sapiens, arose around 300,000 years ago.