Shower curtains create the perfect storm for mold growth. Every time you shower, your curtain gets wet and is then left in a ...
When mold is growing on shower caulk, and not behind it, removal is fairly easy. In this post, a professional cleaner shows you how to do it.
If you’re seeing shower mold, you might turn to bleach, vinegar, or a product claiming to get rid of mold. But you might want to follow the advice of one home expert instead. Creator Twin Home ...
I don’t have time to take a shower.” But baby wipes weren’t just a quick fix. Pitt reportedly abandoned traditional soap and antiperspirant altogether, swapping them for a homemade alternative.
Check your marijuana - it may have mold. The state's Cannabis Control Commission (CCC) issued a health and safety advisory this week regarding certain strains of marijuana sold around the state ...
We have a whole article about cleaning humidifiers, but soap ... a shower. A warm, steamy shower can provide some of the same benefits as a humidifier, said Goldbach, without risking mold growth ...
Most sex toys require nothing more than soap and water to keep clean ... And then the preservative keeps it from growing mold, which is very important—or rather, bacteria, because if it ...
Upgrade your daily routine with these expert-tested showerheads to enjoy a spa-like experience every time you step in the shower. Regularly taking showers is essential for keeping our hair and ...
"We shouldn't be subjected to the grueling environment we have to go through [in the Army] and then come to a mold-infested home." His wife recovered after they moved to temporary housing ...