Wash out and follow up with our Bolder Beard Balmâ„¢ and a few drops of our Boldest Beard Oilâ„¢ for maximum hydration. So, do you really need to buy a dedicated beard shampoo, beard conditioner ...
SKIP AHEAD What is a beard balm?| How I picked the best beard balms ... when beard hair is washed it is stripped of sebum, which is the oil your skin makes to keep hair soft and pliant, ...
Remember the ratio has to be 2:1. Massage your beard with this solution and let it stay for 15 minutes. Wash it off once done ...
Beard hair is thicker and coarser than the hair on your head and needs conditioning to keep it soft and tame. Oil will work to combat coarseness as well as look after the skin beneath. Beard oil ...