Kementerian Perladangan dan Komoditi (KPK) pada masa ini tidak bercadang untuk menaikkan kadar atau Paras Harga Pengaktifan ...
Daripada 19.3 juta tan MSM dihasilkan pada 2024, hanya 3 juta tan dieksport manakala selebihnya diproses menjadi produk hiliran.
Serbuan dijalankan oleh penguat kuasa Unit Inspektorat dan Penguatkuasaan (UIP) LGM bersama KPDN Selangor. PETALING JAYA – Lembaga Getah Malaysia (LGM) merampas 196 palet berisi sarung tangan getah ...
Speaking about Subarus and pickups is impossible without mentioning the Baja. You do remember the brand's four-door coupe utility vehicle with all-wheel drive that was marketed 2002 and 2006 ...
Getah virus (GETV) is a mosquito-borne virus that was first determined in Malaysia in 1955, and can infect humans and multiple other mammals. GETV infection in horses has been reported in Japan and ...
In the original article, there was an error. The GenBank number of the Getah virus strain GZ201808 should be MK487997, not HM90967. In addition, the final sentence of ...