Animal owners in Los Angeles have scrambled to get themselves and their beloved companions out of the way of fast-moving ...
Szewczyk was still a struggling artist in 2019 when she first acquired the beautiful Bagira, (named for black panther ...
I wasn’t sure I needed a cat and had turned my attention to service dogs. But I also saw little trouble with a couple of cats ...
Sean is a very handsome tomcat who was found outside. You can almost hear his relief at having steady food and attention at ...
A black and white house cat moved into W.W. Seymour ... according to manager Tyra Shenaurlt. Seymour allows both cat and dog visitors, she said. She’s open to having a resident cat although ...
Archie, the Golden Retriever, is so gentle with Poe, his black cat sibling, who really wants to cuddle. Watching Archie stay ...
The Victorian greenhouse at Wright Park was closed Monday, but the doors were left open for a few minutes while new poinsettias were delivered. Metro Parks Tacoma grew 2,600 of the plants this year, ...
"I stuffed 15 dogs in a black Prius and two cats," she said. Having nine more dogs, and a pig, to evacuate, she flagged down some 18-year-olds with a truck who agreed to take them to a shelter.
Animal rescue groups in California have opened their doors to pets as their owners flee the flames of ongoing wildfires.
As animal shelters become overwhelmed due to wildfires, officials have flown 84 lost pets to Utah until they can be reunited ...
"Where do people get these chill cats?" one user said. Another added: "I wish my cat would do stuff like this with me." ...