He calls it the Robo Marionette. He’s using a MeArm 4 DOF robotic arm, a Sensel touch interface, an Arduino Uno, and a servo shield for the Arduino to control the MeArm. All the code you need is ...
A new brain-computer interface (BCI) has enabled a paralyzed man to control a robotic arm by simply imagining movements.
A major challenge of robotic arms is the weight of ... [RoTechnic] used an Arduino-powered RAMPS board as a controller, which is programmed to accept over the serial interface.
Second, can these 'motor codes' be used to generate an online 'neuronal population function' to control a robotic arm in real time with sufficient accuracy to substitute for animal forelimb ...
A robotic arm commanded by the human brain is allowing a paralyzed man to manipulate his environment with fine control.