Reiji Miyajima's series "The Shiunji Family Children" has 5 volumes and an upcoming anime slated for April 2025. The first trailer reveals the voice cast and staff, with Doga Kobo animating and Ryouki ...
The new episode will be included in the series' Blu-ray Disc box set release on March 26, 2025. War is coming... The two ...
Adapted from the Shōnen Jump+ manga series (i.e. Japanese comics) that began its run in 2021, the anime version of Dan Da Dan is a gonzo blend of different genre fare that weaves occult horror, ...
If you're going to watch anime, Crunchyroll is the best place to do it, with a gigantic range of both existing seasons and ...
Yoshiaki Iwasaki, the director of Love Hina, will direct the TV anime at the animation studio ARVO ANIMATION. Additionally, ...
Here’s another thing about Dan Da ... to protect the world from supernatural forces. There’s also the world’s hottest grandma ...
Sci-Fi magical girl anime, Princession Orchestra is set to release in Spring 2025. Here's a look at the trailer.
Natsume's Osana Najimi na Kimi ga Tamaranaku Daisuki! manga centers on first year high school student Asahi, who thinks the world of his childhood friend Kazune. Asahi cannot resist Kazune's cuteness ...
I always enjoy revisiting and catching up on the top manga of each year, even if it does give me the same headache as vetting ...
It's not too late to watch some of this year's top fantasy, action and comedy anime releases.
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New Harem Anime 2025
Rent-a-Girlfriend and 100 Girlfriends are just two harem anime coming out in 2025, and there are plenty of other shows.