Llamas, ponchos, Machu Picchu and Paddington Bear, Peru is often encapsulated into cliches. But step beyond and you’ll ...
He has now set another world first after making it to the top of the 6961 metre Mount Aconcagua, in the Andes mountain range in the Mendoza region of Argentina on Saturday. Mr Budha Magar ...
He has now set another world first after making it to the top of the 6961 metre Mount Aconcagua, in the Andes mountain range in the Mendoza region of Argentina on Saturday. Mr Budha Magar, who is ...
Over thousands of years, evolution has helped the Aymara people of the high plains of Andes mountains adjust to altitudes as high as 14,400 feet (2.75 miles) above sea level. This indigenous ...
From my perspective, it’s one of the best spots in the house and solidifies the Llama Group’s intention ... indigenous to the Andes Mountains) or the non-alcoholic, velvety purple Chicha ...
via Wikimedia Commons A relative of the llama, vicuñas produce some of the finest and most expensive wool in the world. They live in the high alpine areas of the Andes. Mountain Tapir. Image by ammmit ...
The Inca Trail is approximately 26 miles long and leads to one of the most iconic sites in the world: Machu Picchu. Millions of people trek to the 15th-century Citadel to see a well-preserved Incan ...