Archaeological discoveries indicate that alphabetic writing dates back 500 years earlier than previously believed. What ...
Four clay cylinders inscribed with what might be the oldest known evidence of alphabetic writing are 500 years older than other early alphabets, according to new research.
An ancient shipwreck proves the Greek historian Herodotus was correct about the observations he made in relation to Egyptian ...
The early writing appears to date to around 2400 B.C.—preceding the previous most bygone examples by roughly 500 years.
Archaeologists have uncovered the oldest alphabetic writing ever recorded from a tomb in Syria. Etched onto finger-length ...
At an archaeological excavation site in western Syria, Schwartz unearthed a “finger-length” clay cylinder with etched ...
New evidence of the world's oldest alphabet, carved onto finger-length clay cylinders, outdates other scripts by 500 years.
The oldest known alphabetic writing has been found etched onto finger-length clay cylinders unearthed from a tomb in Syria.
How does a concoction of honey, sesame seeds, pine nuts, licorice, and grapes sound? The drink also contains hallucinogens ...
Unbeknownst to a group of researchers digging near a small Italian town, a Christian basilica once stood in a Roman military ...