A group of scientists have discovered some 27 bone tools made some 1.5 million years ago by ancient humans in Olduvai Gorge ...
Lent may be on the calendar, but it’s not something most Americans are observing. A traditional 40-day window of fasting before Easter, Lent is celebrated by around a quarter of U.S. adults, according ...
The conflict in Congo deserves our attention, too, yet the mainstream media has been strangely silent about it. The war is ...
A man pays his respects outside Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, June 21, 2015. Nine Black people were shot to death by white supremacist Dylann Roof at an ...
African nations very frequently hold strategic stores of commodities, a reserve of Bitcoin could be a more functional ...
A new study from the University of Zurich shows that the cultural influence on the transition to adulthood in sub-Saharan ...
"The persecution of Christians around the world is one of the great untold scandals of the 21st Century," says Open Doors CEO.
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Do you know who Anthony Benezet is? Or was?  Think about an early incarnation of Martin Luther King, Jr. … in whiteface.  Or Frederick Douglass’s brother from another mother.  Better […] ...