The Midland Police Department arrested two people earlier this month after a young girl was found walking alone on a busy street in the early morning hours. Ta’Lyjah ...
Women’s History Month in the U.S. is also a time to reflect on the health issues that impact women across the world.
Nearly half of all recreational runners sustain injuries, according to research, but a regular mobility practice could prevent this by increasing the range of motion in your joints, meaning your ...
Transform your daily walk into a leg and glute-toning workout with these 7 expert-approved moves that deliver visible results in just 4-6 weeks.
Want to keep your metabolism revved up after 50? These five exercises will help you stay strong, burn more calories, and boost longevity.
Regular exercise has long been considered a key part of aging well — living independently, staying cognitively and emotionally resilient, and being able to continue daily activities.  But some ...
March 2025 \| Last updated: 9 March 2025. 15 min full body HIIT workout with low impact variations. For more wo ...