Every US President seems to have their own unique food quirks. For Lyndon B. Johnson, it was all about sticking to his Texan roots.
Developers broke ground this month on Atten Hill, a luxury neighborhood that will be nestled between a golf course and Lake Lyndon B. Johnson in a resort city outside Austin. The 114-acre site in Horseshoe Bay will offer 92 residential lots.
Despite being little more than the answer to trivia questions today, Vaughn Meader was a pioneer who paved the way for "Saturday Night Live," Rich Little and a wide range
Dedicated to the 36th president of the United States, the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library houses all the expected artifacts – such as presidential papers – as well as several quirkier ...
The practice of daylight saving time started in some areas of the United States in 1918. President Lyndon B. Johnson made the change official in 1966, when he signed the Uniform Time Act. The thought behind the act is to save on energy costs and make better use of daylight hours.
Named for its co-founder Claudia Alta "Lady Bird" Johnson (wife of President Lyndon B. Johnson), the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is the place to visit if you're a flower enthusiast.