FCC chief Brendan Carr aims to 're-empower' local TV stations and he suggested that Congress consider tighter regulations on social media giants.
A Democratic member of the Federal Communications Commission said on Thursday that the Republican-led agency is seeking to bully major U.S. broadcasters by reinstating a series of complaints.
Dozens of pages of emails reveal how Brendan Carr, the FCC’s Republican chairman and close confidante of President Trump, was cleared by ethics officials to write a chapter in the 922-page manifesto when he was a commissioner.
The Federal Communications Commission voted on Thursday to advance a wireless spectrum auction to provide nearly $3.1 billion for U.S. telecom companies to remove equipment made by Chinese telecoms firms Huawei and ZTE from American wireless networks because of security concerns.
FCC Chairman Brendan Carr said that the agency’s review of the proposed Skydance-Paramount Global merger is far from finished, as the two companies have said that they expect to complete the deal by the summer.
U.S. Rep. Greg Casar called for the FCC to host two town hall meetings with the union to improve services and working conditions.
So Telnyx filed its response to the FCC’s $4.5MM NAL today and it is an incredibly interesting saga. For those of you just catching up, Telnyx is a carrier that apparently allowed an outfit known as “MarioCop” onto its network.
Read about the FCC's approval of proposed rules that would update the bidding rules for the AWS-3 spectrum bands to mark the first step in reauctioning AWS-3 spectrum licenses.
FCC chairman Brendan Carr wrote a letter to top tech CEOs, including Apple CEO Tim Cook and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, calling on them to stand up to European censorship.