Skaters turned out in large numbers today for the final day of skating at the PAL ice rink at Westport’s Longshore Club Park. Skills ranged from expert-like to well, not so expert. Phyllis Groner for ...
An emergency fix to Connecticut’s Freedom of Information law—crafted without a public hearing or committee review—was headed to Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s desk following today’s unanimous Senate vote.
Westport artist Julie Fatherley today adjusts one of her works on display at the Westport Public Library Great Hall. A March 7 reception will honor the post-impressionist and abstract artist who has ...
The latest Case-Shiller Report shows that U.S. home prices fell in December from the previous month, and according to the report, 2011 ended at the lowest levels since the onset of the housing crisis ...
UPDATE The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Weather Advisory for the Westport area for snow and is in effect until 7 a.m. Monday. It said to expect snow accumulation of 4 to 6 inches with ...
McGavin appeared on many television series and shows and set a standard for cynical and hard-boiled gruffness as a reporter in “The Night Stalker” and a detective in “Mike Hammer.” McGain lived in ...
Budget cutbacks in annual road paving coupled with “a real bad freeze-thaw cycle” have produced Westport’s worst run of potholes in years, Public Works Director Steve Edwards told the Board of ...
Supporters of a delay in the demolition of the White Barn Theatre on the Westport-Norwalk border make their views known tonight at a hearing by the Norwalk Historical Commission. The current 120-day ...
Westport best selling author Jane Green was at the Westport Library tonight sharing stories about how she wrote her first cookbook. “Good Taste: Simple, Delicious Recipes for Family and Friends.” ...
The National Weather Service in Upton, N.Y. has issued a Winter Weather Advisory for snow for the Westport area which is in effect from 6 a.m. Thursday to 6 p.m. Friday. A mixture of rain and snow ...
New Westport Police Department recruits David Librandi, 36, (2nd l) and Albert L. Nowinski III, 27, are sworn in today by First Selectwoman Diane Goss Farrell as Chief Alfred Fiore looks on. Nowinski, ...
A fierce wind storm that swept across the Midwest and then into the Northeast today caused relatively minor damage to Westport, downing some trees and power lines. Connecticut Light & Power Co.