In order to be approved, the motion of no confidence must receive an absolute majority of the total number of deputies, or ...
"A national tragedy which must unite our society behind a common demand. The demand for truth and justice" Prime Minister ...
Asked on Greek-Turkish relations, he stated: "What I have always said is that we will take the Greek-Turkish rapprochement ...
Recognizing the multiple global crises, Gerapetritis reiterated Greece's firm commitment to international law and respect for ...
At the same time, government sources pointed out that the European People's Party adopted the Declaration on European Defence ...
Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis informed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky about Greece's positions at Thursday's ...
Investigators further criticised the limitations of the internal investigations carried out into accidents and incidents on ...
People of all ages congregated in the capital, while the presence of young people, students and school pupils was especially ...
Η πρόταση δυσπιστίας προς την κυβέρνηση καταψηφίστηκε στην Ολομέλεια με 157 ψήφους. Eίχε κατατεθεί από το ΠΑΣΟΚ, τον ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, ...
Σε σύνολο 293 ψηφισάντων βουλευτών, υπέρ της πρότασης δυσπιστίας ψήφισαν 136 βουλευτές και κατά της πρότασης ψήφισαν 157 ...
Στη βαθμίδα BBB ανέβασε την Ελλάδα ο οίκος, τονίζοντας τον περιορισμό των κινδύνων στις τράπεζες και τη μεγάλη μείωση του ...