Ya sea en bicicleta o simplemente paseando, la Carretera de las Aguas es el camino idóneo para disfrutar de un buen paseo con vistas a Barcelona. Muy popular y de fácil acceso desde la gran ciudad, ...
The archaeological site known as the Ciutat del Born; the permanent exhibition on the Barcelona of the year 1700; the exhibition on the Siege of 1714, which will remain at the centre throughout the ...
Can you picture yourself enjoying the sunshine on the shores of the Mediterranean on a peaceful winter's day and skiing at an altitude of more than 2,000 metres the next? These are both possible in ...
Barcelona is a city that exudes energy and is brimming with life all the year round. But when autumn comes, it undergoes a fascinating transformation. The vibrant summer gradually makes way for a more ...
Barcelona has fun activities for all the family! The city has countless plans to guarantee you won't get bored, whether you're a thrill-seeker who enjoys sailing, or a foodie or culture vulture. You ...
The city's markets and retail areas are already places of color and bustle, but at Christmas the joy is multiplied. They have all prepared an array of activities, workshops, exhibitions, theater, ...
Science Museum CosmoCaixa offers its visitors a whole host of activities and permanent and temporary exhibitions to give anyone who is interested a greater insight into the world of science. The ...
L'adrénaline à l'état pur.
El dijous 28 de novembre, el Moll de Marina del Port Olímpic es convertirà en l'epicentre de l'aventura amb la gran presentació del Dakar 2025. Pilots llegendaris com Laia Sanz, Nani Roma i Isidre ...
El jueves 28 de noviembre, el Moll de Marina del Port Olímpic se convertirá en el epicentro de la aventura con la gran presentación del Dakar 2025. Pilotos legendarios como Laia Sanz, Nani Roma e ...
El Hotel Palace de Barcelona convierte durante los días de Navidad su terraza en un auténtico universo navideño. Articulado alrededor de una acogedora cabaña de madera que recuerda las típicas cabañas ...
Le Parc d'Attractions du Tibidabo se transforme ce Noël en un lieu magique et illusoire. Une éblouissante patinoire durable sur la Plaça dels Somnis vous invite à patiner avec des vues panoramiques de ...