Residents in St. Petersburg, Florida, were shocked at how much damage a fallen crane did during Hurricane Milton.
What America's success in driving Russia from Afghanistan in the 1980s taught me as CIA chief of the Afghan Task Force: ...
This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Opinion: Trump takes a shot at Detroit, in Detroit. The joke's on him ...
IC通路商大聯大(3702)今(11)公布9月營收達到1,056.7億元,為單月營收首次突破千億元大關,較上月增長24.5%,年增幅更是達到49%。同時,第三季的營收亦創下新高,總計為2,590.7億元,超越了財測高標2,245億元,季增24.6%, ...
颶風密爾頓侵襲美國佛羅里達州,雖然從五級減弱為一級,但引發的災情依舊驚人;佛州西岸沿海房屋幾乎全毀,大量船隻被沖上岸,颶風橫掃期間,還生成了30多個超強龍捲風,數百民宅被毀,6人喪生。密爾頓也挾帶驚人雨勢,佛州聖彼得堡水深達半公尺,是當地千年一遇的災 ...