The video game industry generates more revenue than the movie, TV and music industries combined, but you wouldn't know that by the crazy rash of layoffs in the ...
Game On” is The Fly’s weekly recap of the stories powering up or beating down video game stocks. Discover the Best Stocks and Maximize Your ...
It's been hard to sit by as Warner Bros. Games closes legendary studios, especially one that's largely responsible for me ...
Monolith's closure means the cancellation of a very promising Wonder Woman game, while a Pokémon Presents gave us a look at ...
Posed as a unique take on the Search And Destroy game mode, Halo Infinite will launch a new "Seek And Deploy" competitive ...
It's no secret by now that Suicide Squad: KIll the Justice League has been a major commercial disappointment for publisher ...
Monolith's Wonder Woman game was reportedly cancelled, in part, due to the massive failure of games like Suicide Squad and ...
The cancelation of the long in development Wonder Woman game made many mad, and the reasoning behind the cancelation may make them furious.
With the closure of Monolith, Wonder Woman's standalone game has been canceled, but it shouldn't be curtains for the ...
Earlier this week, WB Games announced that it had scrapped its solo Wonder Woman game and closed down its studio Monolith ...
Warner Bros. is making a major change in its video game production, shutting down three studios and canceling a Wonder ...
Publisher Warner Bros. Games has said it is making some drastic changes to its business.