The Idaho Legislature has passed a bill that would require all Idaho students to be proficient at reading and writing in ...
March is National Reading Month, a time to reinforce your own good reading habits and teach them to your kids.
The St. Johnsbury School hosted its annual Scripps Spelling Bee on Feb 12th, where students from all grade levels displayed ...
The top spellers from Jefferson and Harrison counties faced off in the 40th Herald-Star Jefferson/Harrison County Regional Spelling Bee, with Kaden Haddox, a sixth grader from Indian Creek Middle ...
With Seachtain na Gaeilge here, Fáilte Ireland is celebrating the beauty of our native language by reinvigorating five ...
At its most recent meeting, the Bellefonte Area School Board devoted much of its discussion to a proposed update to the district’s elementary English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum. The science of ...
At Oceanair Elementary School, helping kids read better is not just a job for the school’s reading specialist, Faith Florence, it is her passion. “When you get ...
Step 1: Read (and reread) the word problem. First, encourage students to read the word problem in its entirety, in order to ...
According to new research from Project Tomorrow and Thorndike Press from Gale, part of Cengage Group, large print books can ...
When author Danielle Frodyma was little, she told her parents she was going to cure cancer. While many people's career goals change from age 7, Frodyma's didn't.