As expected, Lenovo has unveiled the first laptop with an under-display camera that’s invisible to the eye when not in use. The new Lenovo Yoga Slim 9i is a laptop with a 14 inch, 3840 x 2400 pixel ...
With their next updates, you'll no longer have to deal with screen flashes when opening new Chrome and Edge windows while ...
Billed as MSI's flagship AI gaming desktop with some fast hardware inside, it's the 13-inch touch display on the outside that ...
Microsoft’s switch to Chromium has benefited Chrome more than anything else. Google Chrome now has better scrolling, improved ...
Microsoft has rolled out a full-screen advertisement for Windows 11 on some Windows 10 users' machines, which caused them to ...
You can stick the SSD to the back of your phone, and stick the 14.5-inch screen inside your PC case. Why? Shut up, it's cool.
With stunning-looking IPS Black panels, Dell's new business-oriented UltraSharp displays aren't supposed to be gaming ...
Version 2.0 of Samsung's reflection-reducing Glare Free screen tech fixes the first generation's black-level issue.
A genius hack shows how to prevent ice from building on a car windscreen - saving you time later when you jump into your car on a frosty morning. Iced-over windscreens are the bane of many drivers' ...