For the first time, scientists have observed water molecules splitting in real time to form hydrogen and oxygen. And right ...
Researchers at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (UChicago PME) and at the Tandon School of ...
The laboratory of Ege Kavalali, professor and chair of the Department of Pharmacology, published a paper in Nature ...
Shah and colleagues take advantage of the presence of maternal and somatic ribosomes in zebrafish and confirm their differential expression during development. The authors convincingly show that ...
Molecular modelling encompasses all theoretical methods and computational techniques used to mimic and study the structure and behaviour of molecules, ranging from small chemical systems to large ...
CRISPR–Cas-mediated genome, epigenome and transcriptome engineering in crops is crucial as the human population grows and climate deteriorates. This Review discusses new CRISPR–Cas tools for ...
The Act also recognises that cooperative governance is vital in any efforts to provide water supply and sanitation services. Therefore, national and provincial government also form part of the overall ...
Plants are very important living things. They have lots of jobs, such as providing animals with food and releasing oxygen into the air. To survive and carry out these jobs, they all need three ...