The Terminator franchise has entertained audiences since the first film exploded into cinemas in 1984. The series blends hard-hitting action, groundbreaking special effects, and ruminations on such ...
Several MCU Avengers have been redesigned as Disney characters, using the iconic animation style, perfectly capturing ...
These are all of the Species that are part of the D&D 2024 revision and how players and DMs can use them in their game.
Staging a classic piece of theater presents myriad challenges: making language that is hundreds or even thousands of years ...
As 2024 fades to black, movie critics Rebecca Kivak and Joe Baress look back at the best and worst of the year in film.
In less than six months users have created and successfully published chatbots on Meta’s platforms that violate its rules.
Writer-director Mike Leigh and Marianne Jean-Baptiste discuss the legendary British filmmaker's latest work and experiencing a bucket list moment for cinephiles.
D design app Rooms just landed more funding. Launched into beta in 2023, the app from ex-Google employees allows users to build and code interactive 3D ...
Jonathan Anderson joined a small but illustrious club: famed fashion designers who also headed the costume department on major feature films.
When Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman join Marvel Rivals, the two characters will have designs based on Maker and Malice ...
A lot of movies are known for their glamour and while different people have slightly different ideas of what constitutes ...
The parents of two Texas children recently brought a lawsuit against Character Technologies, Inc., alleging that its chatbot, Character.AI, ...