Two people were killed early Sunday in a succession of crashes on Highway 118 in the Simi Valley area, the California Highway Patrol reported. A preliminary investigation showed that a 33-year-old ...
Clarifications & Corrections: The Oregon Working Families Party is neutral on Ballot Measure 118. The Legislative Revenue Office initially estimated the 'rebate' amount would be $1,600.
MONTEGRANARO Sposa Curvy, azienda di Montegranaro di abiti da sposa per donne curvy, ha organizzato una serie di appuntamenti speciali in prestigiosi atelier di tutta Italia, dedicati a tutte le donne ...
Il 12 ottobre di ogni anno, la Chiesa Cattolica celebra San Serafino da Montegranaro, francescano del XVI secolo che in vita si distinse per le sue virtù e per la sua straordinaria capacità di ...
Nightwing #118 is the final issue of Tom Taylor’s eight or so long year run on Nightwing’s solo title. As the final chapter to Taylor’s final storyline, the creative team has the unenviable ...
MERCOLEDI': infiltrazioni umide raggiungono la Regione determinando molte nubi con cieli in prevalenza nuvolosi o molto nuvoloso, ma senza fenomeni degni di nota. Nello specifico su litorale ...
Measure 118, also known as The Oregon Rebate, proposes raising taxes on big businesses and using that money to give every Oregonian a check, every single year. Advocates say it will alleviate ...
Incidente su viale Guglielmo Marconi. Il tutto è accaduto alle 14,15 di oggi, 13 ottobre, all'altezza dell'incrocio con via Efeso, in direzione centro. Una Fiat 500 L, per motivi ancora da ...
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Measure 118 is called the “Oregon Rebate” by proponents. But those who are opposed to it say it’s a promise that will ultimately result in a costly burden.
SALEM, Ore. (KPTV) - As the November election approaches, one item on the ballot is drawing significant attention and debate — Measure 118, also known as the “Oregon Rebate.” This initiative ...
Add independent medical practices to the list of opponents to Ballot Measure 118, which would impose a 3% gross receipts tax for corporations with Oregon sales of more than $25 million a year.
The Suns win their fifth straight game, improve to 6-1 as they defeated the 76ers, 118-116. Kevin Durant led the Suns with 35 points (15 in 4Q), six assists, and four rebounds while shooting 14-20 ...