A newly discovered scorpion fossil, Jeholia longchengi, reveals insights into China’s Early Cretaceous ecosystem.
The discovery of a golden scaleless fish in China is helping scientists understand how animals evolved to live in caves.
CHENGDU -- A new lizard species has been discovered in Chengdu, the capital of Southwest China's Sichuan province, according ...
In a national park of southern China, a color-changing creature with yellowy eyes sat in the damp grass and called out. The sound was likely intended to attract a mate, but attracted the attention of ...
China is keeping its economic growth target at “around 5%” for 2025 despite a looming trade war with the United States and ...
The coral reefs of Nha Trang, Vietnam, are in severe decline due to climate change, overfishing, and pollution.
The sea cucumber’s color is “unique,” researchers said, and its smaller number of tentacles (15 compared to 18 found in other related species) sets the animal apart. The species earns its name from a ...
The species with “triangle” features and dense scales was believed to have existed in only one waterway in the Yunnan Province, researchers said.
China has begun construction of a deep-sea research platform in Guangzhou, marking a major step in the country's efforts to ...
A most unusual trade in rare fish will lead to misery and death, while an endangered species may disappear entirely.
In an underground cave of southern China, an eyeless river creature with an externally “visible” skull moved through the dark ...
In a river of southern China, a “slender” creature with “tiny scales” under its skin paused to rest along the gravel riverbed. Its coloring helped it blend in, but not well enough. Nearby scientists ...