At first a crusader for workplace safety, the trained physician railed against the use of the toxic and ubiquitous material ...
Judy Woodruff has traveled the country exploring the roots of America’s divisions over race, religion, culture, wealth and ...
JUDY WOODRUFF: Putnam's most recent book, "The Upswing," describes ... JUDY WOODRUFF: One example he points to was the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire just a few blocks from where we were speaking.
What three designers can teach us about the past, present and future of the garment industry in New York City.
a 19-year-old Austrian immigrant who died in the Triangle shirtwaist factory fire. For nearly 20 years, he has committed himself to honoring the lives of the 146 garment workers who died on March ...
On March 25, 1911, a cigarette butt tossed into a bin of fabric scraps starts a deadly fire that sweeps through the eight, ...
On March 25, 1911, a cigarette butt tossed into a bin of fabric scraps starts a deadly fire that sweeps through the eight, ninth and 10th floors of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in downtown ...
Bob Wagner was not a mere legislative wonk with his nose buried in books; Wagner knew something about politics ... his leadership in chairing an investigation into the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire ...