Treatment with thermal ablation was noninferior to surgical resection in small-size colorectal liver metastases, according to ...
Marwan G. Fakih, MD, discusses the next steps for the clinical development of the balstilimab plus botensilimab in ...
A new technology from researchers at the California NanoSystems Institute at UCLA is aiming to turn the tables on tumors that ...
Pancreatic cancer remains one of the most challenging tumors to treat, partly because it is often discovered at advanced ...
Plectin drives hepatocellular carcinoma progression and metastasis through cytoskeletal reorganization and oncogenic signaling, making it a promising therapeutic target for overcoming therapy ...
Two new drugs to treat prostate and liver cancer have been given the green light for use by the NHS in Scotland. The Scottish ...
Additional Phase 2 data for vilastobart,a tumor-activated, Fc-enhanced anti-CTLA-4, in combination with atezolizumab in patients with MSS CRC ...
Identification of pathway provides mechanistic insights into the anti-metastatic effects of aspirin, as a potential basis for ...
A new study led by researchers at the University of Cambridge has revealed the mechanism behind how aspirin could reduce ...
Scientists have discovered that aspirin may prevent cancer metastasis by reducing TXA2 levels, which suppress T cells.