At a recent event, eye-care industry professionals across the globe convened to discuss the future of vision.
These spectacles come in numerous colors and styles ... should be up-to-date and compatible with transition lenses. Look for options with a balanced blend of durability and light adaptation ...
A progressive lens design is like a bi- or tri-focal lens in that it corrects more than one vision problem at a time. However, these lenses have no visible lines, improving the cosmetic appearance of ...
I love how Transitions has disproven the stereotypical photochromic lens wearer; the 1970’s older adult in large brown tinted glasses. They have styled colors, flash mirrors, and even darker ...
Cost: Reviewing options from vendors like ... plus a ton of different lens colors. Convenience: Transition lenses are more convenient than prescription sunglasses because they can go from indoor ...
That’s the allure of Acuvue’s forthcoming line of light-sensitive, vision-correcting contact lenses (developed in partnership with Transitions Optical). Each contains a filter that senses the ...