Phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine are both active ingredients in nonprescription Sudafed products. However, phenylephrine has ...
Spring allergies will be here soon. If you’re suffering from a runny or congested nose, watery or itchy eyes or sneezing, ...
A spokesperson from Kenvue the manufacturer of Sudafed, said: "Safety is our top priority, and we take reports of off-label use of our products very seriously. "SUDAFED® Blocked Nose Spray ...
When you’re feeling awful because of a cold, you just want something to fix you—if not to cure you, at least to help you ...
High blood pressure and decongestants Patients with high blood pressure should avoid decongestant medications that contain pseudoephedrine, a common ingredient in cold medicine like Sudafed ...
For example, Dr. Flaherty notes that at some borders, there are restrictions on the transportation of pseudoephedrine, a commonly used nasal decongestant found in medicines like Sudafed.