Case 1. C.A. (S.E.H. No. 66–15874), a 49-year-old man, had syncopal episodes for 3 years occurring about once a week during the past year. The attacks were precipitated by driving a bus.
Right aberrant subclavian artery, also called arteria lusoria, is one of the most common intrathoracic arterial anomalies. Although mostly asymptomatic, the retroesophageal and retrotracheal ...
Comparison of laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation with percutaneous radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma involving specific sites: A ...
Anatomy is the field of biology that studies the structure of living things. Anatomy focuses on the composition, structure and location of the parts of organisms tissues, organs and systems ...
This study aimed to identify key variables to inform future hemodynamic analysis, hypothesizing that brachiocephalic, subclavian artery, mBTTS ... angiogram was acquired to assess aortic arch anatomy.
Found near every living cell of the body. Microscopic – walls are one cell thick, this allows for the diffusion of substances into the cells from the capillaries and out of the cells into the ...
Variations in the aorta’s branches are also common, such as differences in the celiac trunk or renal arteries, but these are usually harmless and don't affect health. University of Florida Health.
a condition associated with atherosclerosis of the subclavian or other nearby arteries affecting the chest and arm. PAD also is more likely to affect males, and females after menopause. More rarely, ...
The single most important source of blood supply is the left circumflex artery, which supplies not only most of the left ventricle, but also significant portions of the right ventricle. Details of the ...