When you sell a good or a service to a consumer online or via other means of distance communication (by telephone, mail order) or outside a shop (from a door-to-door salesperson), the consumer has the ...
BRUNSWICK COUNTY, N.C. (Gray News) - A married mom of 2 in North Carolina was arrested on 80 counts of child sex charges, according to authorities. According to a press release, 44-year-old Sara Jean ...
Please note, some facilities are open and services are provided on statutory holidays. For more information, contact 311. *When a designated holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday (with the exception ...
There isn’t one universal form you must use to make a statutory declaration. Some court and tribunal forms contain a statutory declaration. Government departments may also approve their own forms that ...
This guide explains how to make a statutory declaration, including what to include in it and how to declare and sign it. What is a statutory declaration? A statutory declaration is a written statement ...
JOHOR BARU: Only 10% of local small and medium entrepreneurs (SMEs) have registered their brands and products with the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO). MyIPO chairman Dr Mohd ...