It's hard not to be bummed out when you land at home after flying back from a vacation. However, one woman got an especially ...
This event marks a historic moment for the global Church. For the first time, technology and AI enabled a monumental achievement: live sessions from the United States, New Zealand, Malaysia, Romania, ...
More than two centuries after the setting of the meme-inducing video game, The Oregon Trail, the state of Oregon is being affected by a troubling number ...
"The persecution of Christians around the world is one of the great untold scandals of the 21st Century," says Open Doors CEO.
The texts refer to a cosmic battle between Baal, who is now the lord of storms and fertility, and Yam, the god of the oceans.
I continue to try to make sense of living as a Christian in a time when a distressing number of my coreligionists have thrown ...
No other bus line in Jerusalem passes by all the important national institutions in the city . I take Bus Number 7 home from ...
Read about how adults’ average number of kids vary by religious group, and how many parents pray with their kids, opt for a ...
It’s unsurprising, then, that the legacy of Dutch thinker Abraham Kuyper still looms large. Beyond the buildings and the honors program that bear his name, Kuyper’s insistence that a Christian ...
The Decalogue, wrongly called the Ten Commandments, appears in Exodus and Deuteronomy. In Exodus, the law is to “remember” ...
The idea of Satan as a red-skinned, pointy-bearded devil carrying a pitchfork is known to millions of Christians around the ...
Sir Isaac Newton -- best known for his exploits in science and math -- was also a Christian who put his analytical mind to ...