Karo SDM Polda Sumsel Kombes Pol Sudrajad Hariwibowo,SIK, MSi melalui Kasubbag Diapers Bag Dalpers AKP Ivan Prabowo, S.I.K., M.A yang memastikan tidak ada celah bagi praktik pungutan liar dalam ...
Pihak manajemen Vidi Aldiano baru menemuinya pada 2024 dengan membawa uang Rp 50 juta. "Kalau saya sih, lagu saya yang 'Nuansa Bening' tuh dinyanyiin sama Vidi Aldiano dari 2008, saya baru ketemu ...
Liputan6.com, Jakarta Soto ayam bening adalah salah satu kuliner khas Nusantara yang tak pernah gagal memikat banyak orang. Dengan kuahnya yang segar dan rasa gurih yang unik, hidangan ini sempurna ...
Thomas Barwick / Getty Images A ring-fence is a virtual barrier that segregates a portion of a company's financial assets from the rest. This may be done to reserve money for a specific purpose ...
Permen karet disukai oleh hampir segala usia, anak-anak maupun dewasa. Namun, bagaimana jika permen karet tidak sengaja tertelan? Permen karet memang dibuat untuk dikunyah dan tidak ditelan sehingga ...
Diberitakan sebelumnya, Subdit Renakta Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya menggerebek kamar 2617 di hotel wilayah Karet Kuningan, Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan, Sabtu (1/2/2025) pukul 21.00 WIB. Sebanyak 56 ...
Liputan6.com, Jakarta Sebagian besar dari kita tahu bahwa air merupakan komponen penting bagi tubuh, dengan sekitar 70% tubuh manusia terdiri dari air. Sayangnya, banyak orang lebih fokus pada pola ...
Part of the M8 near Glasgow has been shut off, after police received reports that 'a man with a weapon' had been spotted. A slip road onto the M8 was closed just before 9am this morning.
Specialist officers were called to the scene at junction six on the M8 A man has been arrested after a firearms incident led to the temporary closure of Scotland's biggest motorway. A police ...
A police operation began after reports of a man with a gun on the slip road of the M8, near Chapelhall, North Lanarkshire, during Monday's morning rush hour. By the time officers arrived the man ...
Part of the M8 remains closed as armed police search for a man with a possible weapon in North Lanarkshire. Specialist officers were called to the motorway between Junction 6 and Eurocentral at around ...
Police have locked down part of the M8 after reports of a man with a 'weapon'. Shortly before 9am on Monday, February 3, cops received a report of a man with a possible weapon on the motorway's ...